Dia y hora Mayo 5-6, 9 am
En esta clase aprenderas a hacer cakepops de principio a fin
desde la receta del pastel, derretir chocolate, trabajar con fondant, sprinkles y mas.
Esta clase incluye un bonus de como hacer cakesicles.
La clase se llevara acabo en un grupo de Facebook
Los videos quedaran grabados y tendras acceso de por vida.
All tutorials, classes and recipes are the sole property of Chocolate Hustler LLC.Information purchased from Chocolate Hustler LLC by Adricel Fierro are for your personal use only and to supplement your business. There will be no refunds on recipes, classes or tutorials. You are not to share or sell recipes or content provided in classes, videos or PDFs. Any individual who is faith distributing or sharing content is subject to legal action. A letter will be sent seeking compensation. If you do not agree to these terms, you will not be eligible to receive content, group access or PDFs. Failure to result in complying with the above guidelines will also result in removal or any previously purchased classes or tutorials. You will also be blocked and banned.